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Restorative Dentistry

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Restorative Dentistry - Kids Grins Is Who You Want

Your Child’s
Dental Wellness Starts Here!

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    Restorative Dentistry

    Small mouths sometimes need big repairs, and restorative dentistry is a carefully curated area of pediatric dentistry. At Kid Grins in Edina, MN, Dr. Mitchell Loeb and his dental team make young patients comfortable, working gently and efficiently during every tooth repair.

    Restorative Dentistry - Kid Grins
    Common Types of Pediatric Restorative Dentistry - Kid Grins

    Common Types of Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

    Some kids develop a lot of tooth problems because of thin enamel or eating choices or brushing efforts. Two of the most common pediatric restorative dentistry solutions deliver the extra TLC kids need, whether baby teeth or permanent teeth are in question.

    • Dental fillings: Tooth-colored fillings repair decayed teeth. The dentist cleans the cavity and replaces the damage with enamel-shaded composite that blends in. Fillings are also used to correct small cracks and chips that need tending so bacteria and food particles cannot enter the tooth.
    • Crowns: When a large part of a tooth is compromised, a more robust solution is required. Enter the dental crown. A crown is customized to the child’s tooth and bonded in place so the entire tooth is covered and prevented from developing further problems.

    The Importance of Restorative Dentistry for Primary Teeth

    Many parents wonder why it’s necessary to restore a primary tooth when it’s only going to fall out anyway. Here are some facts to keep in mind:

    • Baby teeth are in a child’s mouth as a placeholder.
    • A baby tooth’s position keeps teeth in alignment and maintains space.
    • When adult teeth are ready to erupt, their job is to push the baby teeth out.

    Some teeth develop decay and need a filling or crown because it’s too soon for them to be pulled. Early tooth loss in kids can be developmentally detrimental and require complex orthodontic intervention later.

    The Importance of Restorative Dentistry for Primary Teeth - Kid Grins
    A Few Things About Tooth Extractions - Kid Grins

    A Few Things About Tooth Extractions

    Sometimes, baby teeth won’t budge. The tooth might be wiggly, or maybe a child is sporting a shark tooth but, for whatever reason, it’s been difficult to lose the tooth.

    • A quick extraction can be done to eliminate the tooth.
    • A numbing agent is applied to the area.
    • The pediatric dentist extracts the tooth with the necessary tool.
    • The adult tooth now has room to erupt in the right location.

    Remember, baby teeth have roots, but they are not permanent. As a child grows, adult teeth form and work their way out from the gums. The roots of baby teeth dissolve so they can fall out. Extracting a baby tooth when it is no longer needed to maintain dentition is a good thing.

    Avoid the Need for Restorative Dentistry

    Accidents happen, especially with kids, and parents need to be prepared for a damaged or dislodged tooth. These circumstances cannot be controlled. What parents can manage, however, is their kid’s oral health habits.

    Some teeth develop decay and need a filling or crown because it’s too soon for them to be pulled. Early tooth loss in kids can be developmentally detrimental and require complex orthodontic intervention later.

    • Visit the dentist: Take your child to the dentist every six months for a cleaning and check-up. The pediatric dentist will identify if any teeth are in danger of needing restorative dentistry.
    • Set a good example: Make it a daily activity to brush and floss with your kids. They watch your technique and you help them perfect their own. Make it clear teeth are important and worth the effort.
    • Address complaints: If your child complains of a toothache or any other oral health problem, see the dentist immediately. Early intervention makes it more likely that smaller dental repairs are needed, which is less invasive for the child and less costly for the parent.
    Avoid the Need for Restorative Dentistry - Kid Grins
    Get Restorative Dentistry for kids - Kid Grins

    Get Restorative Dentistry for Kids in Edina, MN

    Any dental work can be scary for kids. At Kid Grins, we take dental anxiety seriously and ease our young patients into their procedures, explaining as we go. Contact us today if you think your child needs a filling, crown, or other restoration and allow us to deliver careful, gentle restorative dentistry.