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Dental Fillings

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Your Child’s
Dental Wellness Starts Here!

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    Dental Fillings

    Dental problems are not uncommon in kids, even though they’re losing and gaining teeth at a fast rate. Dental fillings are often the best restorative dentistry solution to fix dental damage or address a toothache. At Kid Grins, we assess every dental problem carefully and, when appropriate, provide a dental filling to make sure your child’s teeth are strong and healthy.

    Dental Fillings - Kid Grins
    The Importance of Getting Dental Fillings in Baby Teeth - Kid Grins

    The Importance of Getting Dental Fillings in Baby Teeth

    It may seem like the most cost-effective solution when your child has tooth decay or dental damage in a primary tooth is to pull the tooth. After all, the tooth is going to fall out eventually so why get a filling? However, there could be years between right now and when that tooth is due to be lost. Keep the following in mind when it’s too soon to pull a primary tooth:

    • Baby teeth are important placeholders in a child’s mouth.
    • Adult teeth are meant to push baby teeth out of the way so the permanent tooth can erupt.
    • When a baby tooth is pulled too soon, space is lost for adult teeth to erupt, interrupting alignment.
    • Early tooth loss can create a need for complex orthodontic intervention.

    It pays to repair a problematic baby tooth with a dental filling and keep it where it belongs until it’s time for it to go. Your child’s mouth will be healthier when a dental filling can repair the issue and you will save yourself from costly repairs in the future.

    Why Dental Fillings Are Right for Your Kid

    It’s easy to assume that because your child is losing baby teeth they are unlikely to need a dental filling anytime soon. Problems happen, though, and repairs are necessary. Here’s why:

    • Oral health habits. Kids aren’t the best patients at keeping their teeth clean. It’s not easy to figure out dental floss and reach every nook and cranny. These habits won’t be refined for many years and lack of thorough cleaning can lead to cavities.
    • Eating choices. If a child’s diet is high in sugar, they are automatically at a higher risk for tooth decay, even if you help them brush as well as possible. If your kids love fruit juices, gummy snacks, and other chewy treats, don’t be surprised if they develop cavities.
    • Thin tooth enamel. DNA can deliver thin tooth enamel to your child if parents have the same problem. Good brushing and frequent teeth cleanings can help, but this characteristic can lead to many cavities.
    Why Dental Fillings Are Right for Your Kid - Kid Grins
    The Versatility of Dental Fillings -Kid Grins

    The Versatility of Dental Fillings

    Dental fillings are tooth-colored, which means they blend right into enamel and no one will ever know your child had a filling. Dental fillings stabilize teeth and make them look great. This solution is an excellent option to fix several oral health problems for kids including:

    • Cavities. Tooth decay is cleaned out of the tooth and the lost enamel is replaced with enamel-shaded composite.
    • Broken teeth. When a tooth is broken, the problem will only get worse without intervention. A filling can build the tooth back up and make it whole again.
    • Cracks and chips. Kids are notorious for causing their own chipped or cracked teeth when they fall or get hit with a toy. Dental fillings are used to cover the smallest issues to prevent bacteria and food particles from entering the tooth.

    Get Dental Fillings for Your Child in Edina, MN

    Toothaches never go away on their own and damaged teeth will only deteriorate more when left to fester. Dental fillings are one of the simplest procedures that can fix a host of complications to preserve your child’s oral health, and they’re durable, natural-looking, and safe. If you have a dental emergency or concern about your child’s teeth, schedule an appointment at Kid Grins in Edina, MN.

    Get Dental Fillings for Your Child in Edina, MN - Kid Grins